Brain Training & Fitness, Brain Training Research 6 Ways Scientists Are Fighting Alzheimer’s Hopeful new research highlights the benefits of a multifaceted lifestyle intervention for those suffering from age-related cognitive decline. In a series of clinical case studies
Brain Health, Diet and Brain Health Genetic Risk for Dementia Offset by Healthy Lifestyle We’ve all heard grandma chiding us to eat our fresh veggies and fruits; “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Now scientific research offers
Brain Health, Diet and Brain Health Eat Your Way Out of Cognitive Decline Eat Your Way Out of Cognitive Decline When I was a child I was told, “you are what you eat.” But somehow despite my constant
Brain and Behavior, Mental Health Holiday Hangovers, Stress, and the Brain Imagine it: Pounding headache, sour stomach, and fatigue like a heavy blanket willing me to close my eyes. Fifteen minutes before I needed to be