Author: Wendy Burt


New Concussion Guidelines for Children

For youth athletes who experience a concussion, “gone are the days of resting in a dark room.” A new multi-site study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that starting physical activity three days post-concussion is safe and has better outcomes.


Can Fruits and Veggies Reduce Inattentiveness in ADHD?

Eating the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables is a struggle for most adults, let alone picky kids. But a new study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience suggests that a diet high in fruits and vegetables may reduce symptoms of inattention in children with ADHD.


A Breakthrough in Understanding Age-related Memory Loss

Age-related memory loss has been a slow mystery to unravel among the neuroscience community but a new discovery may provide some insight into what causes it.

Research published in the May 20, 2022 issue of the journal Current Biology suggests that, despite experiencing age-related effects at the neuronal level, some people may be resilient to cognitive decline.